Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mobile & Social Trends

A new slideshare presentation I have put together that compiles some key stats.
To take a look, click here: Mobile & Social Trends

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

iTunes Match Beta "Supposedly" Available

I was very excited when I received the email informing me I could now download the iTunes Match Beta from the Developer site.  In the Developer site it stated that "Important: iTunes Match beta is currently available to developers in the United States."  However, after successful installation and opening iTunes, it states that 'iTunes Match beta testing has begun with an initial set of developers.  Over the next couple of days we will continue to expand our testing.  Please check back later to subscribe.'

Friday, August 19, 2011

Volvo On Call version 2.0 Released in iTunes Today...Kicks It Up A Notch!

Volvo On Call 2.0  Download for Free in iTunes

Volvo On Call Description

Volvo Drives Safety and Security even further with a new free iPhone App.

Volvo On Call is a smartly designed new app that provides a whole new level  of safety and security should you find yourself with a flat tire, out of gas, locked out of your car, or in need of a tow due to a mechanical failure.  It puts you in directly in touch with a roadside assistance agent who can quickly dispatch reliable and professional roadside assistance to your exact location via GPS-enabled technology, 24/7/365.  It even provides the service provider’s E.T.A., as well as updates throughout the event.  Plus, it lets you input critical data about your Volvo – including its VIN – for more efficient service.  And for added safety, Volvo On Call  includes an emergency response button for urgent situations.  Safety comes first at Volvo – we invite you to download the free app today.

What’s New in Version 2.0

For Volvo On Call version 2.0, we have added several features.

Multi-Vehicle Support

With the initial version of the On Call app, users were only able to enter one VIN for use with this app.  Now, owners with two or more Volvos can use the same app for all their vehicles.

Retailer Locator

The retailer locator allows users to find all the nearest Volvo retailers and dealers.  This feature will be helpful for customers in a situation where they need maintenance or are looking to purchase another Volvo.  Users are able to view retailer details such as address and phone number.  In addition, the user can easily access directions to their dealer from this feature.

Maintenance Information

The maintenance information allows Volvo owners to see exactly what maintenance is suggested for certain mileage.

Recall Notifications

Recall Notifications feature lets the user know if there has been a recall on their vehicle so they can take necessary action for a continued safe driving experience.  Specific recall reasons, corrective action advice and contact information can easily be accessed by the user.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Promodoro - Pomodora Technique - Challenge Myself for the Review of App

The Pomodoro Technique® is a way to get the most out of time management.

The Promodoro App incorporates the foundational concepts of this technique into an easy to use App.  The App is simple, as is the theory behind the technique. 

For a Product Manager, time management is critical.  I had not been exposed to this technique prior to seeing this App in the App store.  The technique is as follows (which was taken from the Pomodoro website where more detail can be found here:

The basic unit of work in the Pomodoro Technique® can be split in five simple steps:
Choose a task to be accomplished
  1. Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer)
  2. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then put a check on your sheet of paper
  3. Take a short break (5 minutes is OK)
  4. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break

The App consists of a timer and the ability to track the number of Pomodoros on a specific day and overall for App Usage.

Settings allow the user to customize the Pomodoro:
  • Time can be set for 25, 30 or 35 minute increments
    • Ring an alarm at the end
  • Ticking sound
  • Start a break at the end of a timed session
  • Break time can be set for 3, 5 or 7 minutes
    • Ring an alarm at the end
  • Set a Pause time for 15, 20, 25, 30, or 45 seconds
  • Set a Long break time for 10, 15, or 20 minutes

I’m actually intrigued by the simplicity behind the technique.  Due to running across this App, I am going to challenge myself to implement this technique over the next few weeks and will write a review then.  We'll see if it can help diminish my 'shiny ball syndrome'.

The App is On Sale today for Free!  Promodoro App in iTunes

LinkedIn - Kicks It Up A Notch - App Review

LinkedIn released an update to their less than impressive 1.0 release.  Within seconds of opening the App after completing the update, I will have to say…stunning.  They really nailed the UI and UX design of this App.  The icons and graphics are creative, modern and aesthetically pleasing.  The graphics alone will draw me back to the App.  I love that the icon for ‘You’ is a name badge and lanyard…clever and relatable.

I just can’t get enough of this App.  They really did step up their game with this release.  The first release of the App, I might have opened a few times.  I have found myself opening the App at least 3 times already today.  It really is spot on.  Twitter integration is seamless and will entice me to keep coming back to the App.

LinkedIn didn’t just update the graphics.  The user experience and intuitive updates to the features and functionality is spot on.  Some highlighted features that are much more enhanced:

  • Twitter Integration!!
    • It took me a little while to find this feature as it is located at the bottom of the ‘You’ section.  BRILLIANT!!  This provides a very nice design for the Twitter Feed.  I can now update and follow my Twitter from within the LinkedIn App.  This is HUGE!!! 
  • Inbox.  
    • Accessing and sending messages via LinkedIn is much more user friendly with this version.
  • Groups and More. 
    • Accessing the Groups and reading through the updates and streams is even easier via the mobile app than on the website.  Being able to keep up with the latest posts and the ability to respond provides an outlet to make users more interactive with LinkedIn than previously.  There is even the ‘Like’ button…something most users have gotten used to with Facebook has now been incorporated into the experience in this App.
    • Searching through ‘People you may know’ and adding them to your network is now very simple and just a scroll and tap away.

  • Updates.
    • Scrolling through the LinkedIn Today has now become as easy as scrolling through a Twitter feed.  Again, based on the usability and pleasing graphics, this entices me to interact more with this App. 

  • It’s Free.
  • It’s Beautiful.
  • It allows another channel to keep up with business trends, targeted groups and anything your network is doing.

  • My con was going to be the App not having Twitter Integration.  That was my first reaction on my first pass through.  It was a bit hidden and not obviously placed.  As you saw above, as I dug deeper, I found it.

Monday, August 1, 2011

iCloud Beta Released for Developers

Late in the day, Apple released the iCloud Beta.  This beta will allow developers to test their apps for compatibility as well as giving a preview to some of the iCloud features.  

Upon logging in, I realized how useful this feature will be for me from a work perspective.  Prior to iCloud, I was not able to access my work email from my Mail App on my Mac due to an issue with the Microsoft Outlook Exchange server.  With iCloud, I was successfully able to access my mail with the amazing UI features offered with the Lion release.  THIS IS HUGE!!!  If they offered nothing else with this release, I would still be content.  This will make life so much easier.  

I will be spending the next few days getting familiar with iCloud and post more information on features and design as I learn more.  Thus far, I'm very pleased.

The UI design is as expected...delightful.  

Pricing for additional storage beyond the 5 GB being offered for free (music, apps, video and photo stream do not count in the 5 GB) has been released by Apple to include:

  • 10 GB = $20 annually
  • 20 GB = $40 annually
  • 50 GB = $100 annually