Monday, August 1, 2011

iCloud Beta Released for Developers

Late in the day, Apple released the iCloud Beta.  This beta will allow developers to test their apps for compatibility as well as giving a preview to some of the iCloud features.  

Upon logging in, I realized how useful this feature will be for me from a work perspective.  Prior to iCloud, I was not able to access my work email from my Mail App on my Mac due to an issue with the Microsoft Outlook Exchange server.  With iCloud, I was successfully able to access my mail with the amazing UI features offered with the Lion release.  THIS IS HUGE!!!  If they offered nothing else with this release, I would still be content.  This will make life so much easier.  

I will be spending the next few days getting familiar with iCloud and post more information on features and design as I learn more.  Thus far, I'm very pleased.

The UI design is as expected...delightful.  

Pricing for additional storage beyond the 5 GB being offered for free (music, apps, video and photo stream do not count in the 5 GB) has been released by Apple to include:

  • 10 GB = $20 annually
  • 20 GB = $40 annually
  • 50 GB = $100 annually

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