Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quickpix Free Today

This is a great App that I have used on my iPad and it is free today. Just downloaded onto my iPhone.

Xfinity App Review

Xfinity App Review

Hands down, this has become one of my FAVORITE Apps!  This is an App that is great for at home, on the road and is just amazing!!  Years ago, a couple close friends and I were talking and the friend one said, 'I don't have cable and really never watch TV.'  In response, friend two said, with the utmost conviction, 'Are you kidding me?!?!  TV is MY LIFE.'  I share friend two's conviction!  I love TV and DVR.

  • Free.  If you are a Comcast Infiniti customer, this is a free App with your account.  All the features that you have available in your cable plan are available on this App.
  • DVR Record.  I travel for business and personal.  In an event there is a show or a game I want to record but forgot to before I left, I can control this from the road.  When I was traveling on a business trip, I was having difficulty locating a bar broadcasting the Boston Bruins playoff game.  I was able to record the game to watch when I got home.  Nothing more fantastic than that!
  • Change Channels.  The UI design and navigation of the program schedule is much easier than on the TV, so I often search for programs to watch on my iPad and can change the channel directly from my iPad.  This has become my remote.
  • Movies and On Demand.  This is excellent for watching movies while traveling, at the doctor's office or anywhere TV is not available.  Anything available from my account, I can watch anywhere.
  • Great UI.  This App is so easy to use and to navigate.  It is just amazing!
In my mind...this App is amazing!  There isn't anything I would do to change this App.  The features are fantastic and just increases the value of the iPad!

WWDC Party List iPhone App

For those attending the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco on June 6 - June 10, 2011, this is a MUST HAVE.  This App gives details on the different hosted parties going on during the WWDC week.  The App also gives you links to register for the parties, which most are free but require registrations.  You can then save the parties into your favorites.  This will help keep your party schedule and details in one spot.
Some of the registrations send you an email ticket, so the entrance ticket or confirmation is not in the App but in your email.  Would have been great to have deeper integration, but this is still a great App!!

Download Party List

Geared for iPad App Review

Geared for iPad

Great time waster!!  I downloaded this App when there was a sale from $2.99 to Free.  As a free App, it is a great way to waste some time!  For $2.99...there are many better ones out there.

  • Great time waster!  It is good to pass the time.
  • Intuitive.  The game is very easy to catch on from the moment you open the App and start playing.  Very little instruction is needed.
  • UI is simple but in a good way.  The colors are good and change to demonstrate if you have placed the gear in the right place...from green to red and vice versa.  If it is red, it means you haven't placed the gear correctly.
  • Definitely NOT worth $2.99.  There is not a lot of features and functionality for $2.99.  When it was Free, absolutely worth it.  For $2.99 you can download other games or time wasters.  I would not recommend downloading this one.

Speech Translator App Review

Speech Translator

This App is on sale for Free today.  Typically it sells for $.99.  There could be great use, especially for written communication.


  • Free.
  • Good selection of Languages:
    • Afrikaans
    • Cestina
    • Deutsch
    • English (5 different dialects)
    • Espanol
    • Francais
    • Italiano
    • Bahasa Indonesia
    • Bahasa Malaysia
    • Nederlands
    • Polski
    • Portugues
    • PyccKNN
    • Turkce
    • Chinese
    • Japanese
  • Voice recognition is pretty good.  There were a couple missed captures, but overall it was accurate.
  • Very easy to use.

  • While the App allows you to speak a phrase, it does not speak the phrase in the language the phrase was translated in.  If you are unfamiliar with a language, this will not be as useful as it could be.
    • However, if you are traveling and able to speak the phrase and show the person what you need, they would have the ability to read in their native language.
  • Limited functionality
    • It would be great to have more features, such as copying the text
    • It would be great to be able to export the text to email or another application
    • Again, speaking the phrase back would be huge and very helpful

White Noise Lite App Review

White  Noise Lite

I have never used white noise to help me fall asleep.  However, last weekend, I spent part of the day in Rockport, MA and Gloucester, MA by the ocean.  There is not a better sound to me than waves crashing and the sound of the ocean.  When I came back, the following evening, I really wanted to fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean.  I found several white noise apps in the App store.  I downloaded White Noise Lite, White Noise Machine and Sleep Pillow Ambiance Lite.  All have good features and are very similar.  I have found that I am using White Noise Lite because I like the sound of the Beach Waves on this App a little more than the other.  While I believe the White Noise Machine and Sleep Pillow have better UIs, I'm not concerned with UI when I'm using it to sleep.
I have found that I love falling asleep to this and have used it every night this week.  Now, if it would just spray out the smell of sea would be amazing ;)!


  • Free.  I have not found it necessary to upgrade to the paid version for $1.99.  The Lite version provides what I am looking for.
  • Custom Sleep Timer Set.  This App allows you to set the amount of time for the White Noise.  The timer can be set for up to 20 hours.  This also allows for the set up of fading out timing from none to 5 minutes.  This helps to ensure that you don't abruptly wake up when the timer is complete.
  • Sleep Screen.  The sleep screen is black with the clock in white.  This helps to limit the light from the iPhone display.
  • iPhone Alarm.  I utilize my iPhone as my Alarm clock.  Even though the App stays open when the Sleep Timer is completed, the internal alarm clock still works.
  • Sounds.  There is a good selection of sounds:
    • Beach Waves Crashing
    • Thunder Storm
    • Extreme Rain Pouring
    • Crickets Chirping
    • Grandfather Clock
    • Chimes Chiming
    • Oscillating Fan
    • Airplane Travel
    • Train Ride
    • White Noise

  • In order to keep the White Noise playing, the App has to be active.  This App does not allow you to multi-task.  While, it has the purpose of helping you sleep or relax, if you close the App to check email or work with another App, the noise stops.  It would be nice to have the continuous sound.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

iRingtone Designer Pro - Free for 2 Days!!

You can legitimately customize your own Ringtones using iTunes Songs or recording different things.  It appears that the process is a bit cumbersome but I wanted to put this out there as it is free for 2 days.  I will do a review later this week as I use it more.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Appfinder App Review

Download in iTunes Here

What a great App!!  I am constantly looking for new Apps.  Typically, I will look in iTunes daily at the new releases and search different blogs for Apps that are either on sale, reduced price or free.  This App will only enhance that search!  It will definitely give more of a bird's eye view of what Apps are out there.

  • Simple and easy to use.  The App is very intuitive. 
  • Separates Apps by iPad and iPhone.  This makes it very easy to determine what the App is available on.
  • UI design is clean.  It is truly easy on the eyes.  The colors make it easy to navigate
  • It is free.
  • It allows you to read the description of an App and then navigate to iTunes to download.  The process is seamless.
  • Apps are easily categorized by 'Discount', 'Free', Increased'.  What a great way to add transparency to the pricing models of Apps in the App Store.

  • This is the first App I have reviewed that I do not have a Con.  While I have just begun using it, I do not see a negative feature about the App yet!