Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ROAR! Lion is here...and I LOVE it!

I have installed Lion OS for my MacBook Air...Needless to say...I LOVE it!!  I have been using it for almost a week now and think the features added are incredible.  I absolutely love that my MacBook Air now feels very much like my iOS devices.  A lot of the best features are now incorporated into the software.

One Issue...

  1. Before installing Lion, I should have downloaded the Beta 3 Release for Apple TV.  Lion OS does not work with the current version of Xcode I have installed.  Trying to install the updated version of Xcode has consumed SO much of my time last evening.  I thought the simple download from the App Store of the new version would be simple.  Instead of just informing me that I didn't have enough space on my drive...the error message read this: Please consult /var/log/install.log for more details.  Really?!?!?  Couldn't the download detect and inform me that I just need more space.  I did some clean up and was able to install correctly.

For a full list of features, click here: What's New in Lion
    • Versions.  This is probably my favorite feature with Lion.  While working in Word for Mac, I can now go back through versions of the document.  This is much more than an auto save.  It doesn't write and replace.  I can go back through any changes I made at a moment in time and use the changes made.  I had one document that I made several changes and when I went back through Versions, I had 20 there, which allowed me to capture and re-enter some thoughts I had.  Really great!
    • Scrolling.  There have been a lot of reviews and skepticism of the new scrolling feature.  Some really despise this new feature and some really love it.  I am one that LOVES it.  It feels completely natural!  It mirrors the functionality of scrolling on the iPhone and iPad devices.  For most that have used a PC or Mac, we have been conditioned that when we use a scroll wheel on a mouse or scroll in general, when you would scroll up, the page moved up and when you scroll down, the page would scroll down.  In lion, when you scroll up, the content goes down and when you scroll down, the content goes up.  
      • There is an option to turn this feature off.  
    • Launchpad.  This feature takes the UI and functionality design of the iOS devices.  This provides a desktop that has all the Apps which you can rearrange, put into folders and easily locate what you are looking for.  In order to rearrange the Apps, you hold your mouse down and the icons begin to jiggles...just like on the iPhone or iPad.  Streamlines the experience of all my Apple devices.
    • Multi-touch gestures.  This is a really great feature!  Again, it feels very much like using an iOS device.  It is intuitive and allows for fast and easy navigation.  My favorite gestures (not the comprehensive list of features):
      • Two Finger Scroll.  This allows you to scroll up and down content on the internet or in documents.
      • Tap to Zoom.
      • Swipe to navigate through things I have been working on
    • Mission Control.  This is an excellent feature.  Let's me get a bird's eye view of everything open and running on my system and allows for one easy click to get there.  Very intuitive and creates efficiencies I never knew I needed :).
    • Resume.  This is a nice feature.  When I shut down or restart my MacBook Air, it will automatically open everything I was using prior to the shut down and place it where I was working on it before.  Simple but efficient.
    • Photo Booth.  There are some really playful things, such as the floating birds that include facial recognition and follow you around.  It's a great waste of time ;)!
    • AirDrop.  I have yet to try out this feature, as there aren't many in my office that use Macs, but I love the concept of it.
    • Mail.  A lot of new features with this one.  I'm unable to access my work email (not a Mac company exchange) but it is great for organizing all my other messages
      • Conversations is a great component that provides an easy way to read and organize messages
      • The search capabilities are granular and phenomenal
    • Full Screen Apps and Safari.  Makes the content easier to read and provides a lot more real estate, giving a lot of new opportunities for developers.
    • New Desktop Pictures.  As you see in the picture on this entry, I have chosen the Lion.  Love the detail and how crisp the picture is.

      Friday, July 15, 2011

      The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - App Review

      This App is magical.  It seems amazing to me that less than 2 years ago the iPad was introduced and we now have Apps like this.  This App is a combines storytelling, animation, movie and interaction.  This App was created by Moonbot studios and really demonstrates the endless possibilities that the iPad offers. This App sparks a whimsical feeling.  It allows an escape to childhood.  It provides a brand new and exciting experience.  I love this App.

      The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - $1.99
      The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - HD - $2.99




      • This provides a new and exciting type of way to consume media.  It is incredible to watch and interact in a way that has never been possible before.  
      • The animation is excellent.  In the description of the App it states 'Old fashioned and cutting edge at the same time'.  Absolutely.  
      • The App only cost $1.99.  Quite honestly, it could definitely go for more than this.  The experience is worth it.
      • You are able to interact with the movie.  In one area, Morris's book lost it's words, and as you can see in the picture above, you have the ability to write in the book.  Just these small touches that make you feel part of the story.
      • The imagery and storytellers voice are very aesthetically appealing.  
      • Creates an experience to spark imagination...and who doesn't like to get lost in that?
      • I really like that it has the 'Pixar' type of feel.  
      • Engaging and Inspirational

      • I know there is always a Con somewhere...but I just can't seem to find it with this one.

      Songify - App Review

      I have been underwhelmed by a lot of Apps lately.  I have been on the hunt for one that had me as enamored as Flipboard for iPad.  That App is still, hands down, my favorite.  But finally...I have found an App that is THE MOST ENTERTAINING App!!!  Less than a week ago, I downloaded this App...and it truly has provided invaluable entertainment.  From sitting on the beach with friends and laughing to the point of tears to sitting out in front of a restaurant...again, in tears!  This App is SO much fun!  And, just you friends and I might have the next hit album on our hands ;)!


      • Entertainment Value!  At the touch of a button, you can speak a phrase or, as my friends and I prefer the value of a duet, you can speak multiple phrases and the App will then turn it into a song.  A simple phrase, such as Bumble Bee turns into a hit songs.
      • There are great Free songs available to set the music to.
      • There are in App purchases available for variety if the other music becomes tired.
      • Share!!  You can share these songs via Email, Faceboook and Twitter!  Perfect to share with everyone your musical stylings ;)!
      • Playlists.  You have the ability to listen to others' songs...which can be just as entertaining!
      • It's FREE!
      • There is not a Con in my mind.  Seriously, I HEART this App!!!!  
      • Maybe add more songs...but truly, I haven't gotten bored with the ones that are in the App.

      Thursday, July 7, 2011

      FlipClassics - App Review

      Splash Screen
      This is a great App that lets you revisit some of the classics!  I love this App already.  Easy access to some great books.

      There are plans to add more books to this App.  The books available now include:
      • Pride & Prejudice
      • The Count of Monte Cristo
      • Jane Eyre
      • Wuthering Heights
      • Great Expectations
      • Little Women
      • Tess of the D'Ubervilles
      • Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

      • The App is Free
      • The books are available offline.  This gives the ability to read one of the classics without connectivity.
      • Great start on the selection of classics
      • App is easy and intuitive.  There is a feature that allows you to turn the color of the pages to Sepia, which is a nice touch to the UI design.  Really gives you the feel of reading a classic with modern technology
      • Social Media is incorporated in.  You can Share to Facebook and Twitter

      • There aren't a lot of books available...just yet.  But realistically, by the time I get through these classics, I'm sure many more will be I'm not sure this can be a con.