Friday, July 15, 2011

Songify - App Review

I have been underwhelmed by a lot of Apps lately.  I have been on the hunt for one that had me as enamored as Flipboard for iPad.  That App is still, hands down, my favorite.  But finally...I have found an App that is THE MOST ENTERTAINING App!!!  Less than a week ago, I downloaded this App...and it truly has provided invaluable entertainment.  From sitting on the beach with friends and laughing to the point of tears to sitting out in front of a restaurant...again, in tears!  This App is SO much fun!  And, just you friends and I might have the next hit album on our hands ;)!


  • Entertainment Value!  At the touch of a button, you can speak a phrase or, as my friends and I prefer the value of a duet, you can speak multiple phrases and the App will then turn it into a song.  A simple phrase, such as Bumble Bee turns into a hit songs.
  • There are great Free songs available to set the music to.
  • There are in App purchases available for variety if the other music becomes tired.
  • Share!!  You can share these songs via Email, Faceboook and Twitter!  Perfect to share with everyone your musical stylings ;)!
  • Playlists.  You have the ability to listen to others' songs...which can be just as entertaining!
  • It's FREE!
  • There is not a Con in my mind.  Seriously, I HEART this App!!!!  
  • Maybe add more songs...but truly, I haven't gotten bored with the ones that are in the App.

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