Friday, July 15, 2011

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - App Review

This App is magical.  It seems amazing to me that less than 2 years ago the iPad was introduced and we now have Apps like this.  This App is a combines storytelling, animation, movie and interaction.  This App was created by Moonbot studios and really demonstrates the endless possibilities that the iPad offers. This App sparks a whimsical feeling.  It allows an escape to childhood.  It provides a brand new and exciting experience.  I love this App.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - $1.99
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris - HD - $2.99




  • This provides a new and exciting type of way to consume media.  It is incredible to watch and interact in a way that has never been possible before.  
  • The animation is excellent.  In the description of the App it states 'Old fashioned and cutting edge at the same time'.  Absolutely.  
  • The App only cost $1.99.  Quite honestly, it could definitely go for more than this.  The experience is worth it.
  • You are able to interact with the movie.  In one area, Morris's book lost it's words, and as you can see in the picture above, you have the ability to write in the book.  Just these small touches that make you feel part of the story.
  • The imagery and storytellers voice are very aesthetically appealing.  
  • Creates an experience to spark imagination...and who doesn't like to get lost in that?
  • I really like that it has the 'Pixar' type of feel.  
  • Engaging and Inspirational

  • I know there is always a Con somewhere...but I just can't seem to find it with this one.

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