Thursday, April 14, 2011

BabbleOn™ App Review

BabbleOn™is an App that allows you press a button and record a message.  Once you have recorded the message, you have the option to send that message up to Facebook.  You can Post the Message to your Facebook Wall, which saves as a status or you can send this as a message to your friends.

  • The App is Free.  For a free App, it is worth it.  It is not an App that would be worth even 99 cents.
  • It allows you to record up to a 2 minute message and post.
  • The User Interface is is bubbly, or to spin the name, babbly
  • There is a lag time for posting.  For a two minute message, it took over 3 minutes to appear on my Facebook wall.  I guess for a two minute recording, that isn't that bad...but in the world of wanting everything RIGHT now...that seems like an eternity.
  • The post on FaceBook is a shortened URL with a button if you do not type text.  While you can type a title, it looks like just a random URL without explanation

Uses for the App...
All and all, not disappointed as it didn't cost anything and I didn't have many expectations, so it wasn't too bad.  However, I can see this going downhill quickly once I decide to use this as a fun drinking App!  There are many a nights where you just want to capture drunken debauchery or the things that are madly hysterical at the time (and only at that time), which then you wonder why others that weren't there can't appreciate.  And who am I kidding...I have lived in Boston for almost two years now and still swoon at the accent...and this App will allow the capturing of 'Pahk My Cah in Havahd Yahd' and sharing it with all of my Facebook friends ;)! 

As a day - to - day App, I doubt I will use it to replace my written status updates or messages to friends.  But I do see worth as an entertainment App that has the potential to mortify me the morning after when I realize the obnoxious and embarrassing moments that are recorded in time ;)!   

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