Monday, April 11, 2011

MoMoBoston Event @ The Liberty Hotel

Tonight I attended the Mobile Monday Boston Event at the Liberty Hotel. Props to finally navigating with no thanks to my boyfriend TomTom! Turns out the Hot Jogger I stopped at a light to get directions proved to be, not only jaw dropping but spot on for directions! I digress and send a shout out to you, whoever you are!

Tonight's Event featured speakers from Cisco, Thompson Reuters, Pyxis Mobile, Apperian and Nuance. The event focus was on Enterprise Mobile Apps. A lot of innovation presented. It's amazing the definition of 'Big Brother' in what the future will hold. While I might date myself here, growing up, the movie, The Terminator, seemed like such a farce and only 'in the movies', if I would have only known the possibilities.

Tonight there were concepts demonstrated that will be able to use WiFi to track airport activity to being able to do facial recognition and give a profile. For example, if you normally work with a Senator and his aid is in a library, you could get her profile information based on facial recognition and different information available...that will load her picture and profile information so you can recognize her. While AMAZING...too much 'Stalker' technology for me. Which leads me to digress of my new obsessions is foursquare. However, I limit foursquare to my friends only, as I do t want randoms knowing my frequent locations of debauchery. Within 20 minutes at the event, I received double digit friend requests...ummmmm, awkward and creepy.

Back to the topic at hand. There were some amazing concepts that resonated with me. One of the most impressive presented by Cisco. Scenario: You walk to someone's office and they aren't there. You want to let them know you stopped by and leave a message. As opposed to the 'caveman' Post It Note on their computer screen, you can now leave a digital message that will pop up on their phone (similar to a text) once they cross the doorway of their office. AMAZING! And very useful.
There were very impressive speakers tonight! Top of the list was Nuance (of course!) and Pyxis Mobile did well also.
Apperian speaker was entertaining.

All and All it was a great event. If it hits your city, well worth it. Really cultivates the mind and all the endless possibilities with technology and mobile...even in Enterprise!

1 comment:

  1. I must add that I used the Blogsy App for this post, which I will review later in the week. It's still new to me and I want to give it a chance but I notice grammatical flaws that were filled or not filled. I have acute senses to those types of errors, so I'll give it a few more times to determine user error or non-impressive App. TBD.
